I used to be an avid blogger until...

Well, until nothing really. I used to blog avidly until living life as an adult with too many responsibilities on her plate took over my life. I barely write anymore. Even the fiction stuff I'm writing had to take a backseat. And I hate myself for it.

My blogspot account is still active, but I have deleted my old music-themed blog from there. I lost all interest in blogging, but now, I feel like I want to do so again, if only to get my groove back when it comes to writing. I'm a very talented writer, and this is not just me being all "mayabang" or anything. I have a way with words.

Now, the question is...would you read what I write? I don't want to use my LiveJournal account for it because that is a completely different avenue of thought all together, but I'm thinking of reviving my blogspot.

Maybe I should try blogging again...whether or not I have readership, maybe I should. Won't lose anything if I try, right? And I do have another tab open and logged in to blogspot already...

So...here goes nothing...

Blogspot, I am returning to your warm embrace...


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